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Inclusion, Wellbeing and Nurture

At Eyemouth Primary School we aim to make positive behaviour the responsibility of all. We expect the highest standards of behaviour and look to achieve this through our engagement with the UN Convention of the “Rights of the Child”. This promotes a shared commitment to respect for all in our school and wider community. Using a common language we wish to ensure everyone can fully engage with our vision and treat each other with respect, understanding and empathy. We look to our pupils, parents and staff to be role models in displaying positive behaviour for all to follow.  Through the use of restorative practices, as well as reflection and mediation, we aim to resolve any issues as quickly and positively as possible. 

Our approach is consistent, feels secure and is nurturing, forgiving and encouraging. We;
•    have clear boundaries
•    encourage learners to make good choices
•    recognise positive interactions
•    model positive interactions 
•    ensure there are logical consequences
•    set reasonable expectations
•    accept and move on ensuring that all situations can be resolved
•    we teach learners about emotions 

Through a consistent approach we aim to keep all pupils and parents involved in all aspects of our school and develop an effective means of communication to maintain high standards of positive behaviour across the whole school. 

Eyemouth Primary School is committed to creating an environment where a positive culture and ethos is at the heart of productive learning. We understand that all behaviour is a form of communication and that at certain times, when under stress, children’s responses may dominate and affect their actions. As adults, we want to support all our children to be able to regulate their own behaviour through:-

•    Listening to what they have to say
•    Value them as an individual and their viewpoint
•    Make it clear that it is the way that they are communicating that is problematic and not them as a person. 

In Eyemouth Primary School strong relationships are at the heart of our school.  These relationships include:
•    Staff working with other staff.
•    Staff and pupils working together.
•    Pupils and pupils working together.
•    Staff working with parents/carers and pupils

A Nurturing Approach
At the heart of our approach to positive relationships is our underlying whole school approach to Nurture. As a nurturing school, we recognise that positive relationships are central to both learning and wellbeing. We recognise that everyone within our school community have a role to play in establishing the positive relationships that are required to promote healthy social and emotional development and that these relationships should be reliable, predictable and consistent where possible. A nurturing approach has a key focus on our school environment and emphasises the balance between care and challenge, which incorporates attunement, warmth and connection alongside structure, high expectations and a focus on achievement and attainment. It is based on the understanding of 6 Nurturing Principles, which have been adapted and are outlined below:


The 6 Principles of Nurture

1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally (NP 1)

2. The environment offers a safe base (NP 2)

3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing (NP 3)

4. Language is a vital means of communication (NP 4)

5. All behaviour is communication (NP 5)

6. Transitions are important in children and young people’s lives (NP 6)

Our  Vision
From the sea to the stars, be the best you can be.

Our Values
To Learn and to try my best
To others and to myself
In my words and my actions

Our  Aims
•    Everyone is ready to welcome new opportunities in their learning and through wider experiences.
•    Everyone will respect each other, their diversity and the environment.
•    Everyone will feel safe and supported in an inclusive community.
•    Everyone’s health and well-being at Eyemouth Primary School will be our priority.

Our Rights
•    A right to be safe.
•    A right to be respected.
•    A right to play with our friends.
•    A right to be listened to.
•    A right to learn.

We are a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.