Staff Professional Learning
At Eyemouth, staff engage in regular professional learning to develop their practice. There are weekly staff CAT sessions which focus on the school improvement plan priorities.
Staff are encouraged to take part in regular professional reading and coaching discussions. We also have a regularly updated staff professional reading library which all staff have access to.
Peer observations are also in place to support staff with professional learning. This involves staff pairing up and observing short bursts of lessons based on identified development areas.
The spreading and sharing of good practice is encouraged in school. A Teaching and Learning display board is used for staff to share examples of good practice, reflect on practice they have seen as well as sharing articles and professional reading.
To develop our practise, the teaching staff are part of working parties which research, develop and promote ideas and practices to improve teaching and learning throughout the school.
Online Pedagogy video, article and podcast links:
The Science of How we Think and Learn
Barak Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction by Tom Sherrington
The Forgetting Pit (article on how we think and learn by Bruce Robertson)